
36 Days of Buqo Apps Christmas Presents

Buqo apps
36 Days of Buqo Christmas

The Thrill of Giving. 
The season of giving is yet to come, Christmas spirit always brings out the generous side in all of us. And for you to know, Buqo have also contracted the generosity bug that’s been going around! So to mark our very first Christmas, They have prepared a little awesome surprise for us!!

A New Gift Every Day!

So what do we have in those 36 days? Buqo will be giving away a book or magazine EVERY SINGLE DAY from November 26 up to the December 31, 2014. A new item will be featured daily and will be completely free to download for a whole day in Buqo App. There is total of 36 books and magazines you’ll be finding under the “Christmas tree” (a.k.a. the “36 Days of Buqo Christmas” banner in the app). Isn’t that exciting?!

How Does It Work?

Everyday starting November 26 at 11:00am, They will featured a freebie magazine or book on Buqo social accounts! You only  have 11:00am until 10:00am the next day to get it. When 11:00am comes around again, a new freebie magazine or boks will be up again for free.

The buqo apps and website will have a special banner in the store that you can check anytime for the featured daily freebie. So I suggest now’s the best time to get Buqo apps on your mobile phone or tablet. You can easily download it on your IOS or Android device.

Follow themon Facebook (, Twitter ( and Instagram ( so you’ll be sure to get the newest updates on buqo. Visit them at for more info.

buqopromo #36DaysofBuqoChristmas #freebooks #freemagazines

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Buqo iOS (App Store):
Buqo Android (Google Play):

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