
After Ray Allen, Now It’s Rashard Lewis going To The Miami Heat

rashard lewis heat

Last one or two weeks ago we’ve heard some humor that the veteran sharpshooter of Boston Celtic’s Ray Allen is gonna leave his team to join the depending champion Miami Heat. At first it was just a big humor but a day later it was really confirmed by Ray Allen’s agent James tanner who said it to The Associated Press and also according to many trusted sources. But it’s not just Ray Allen who officially join the depending champ this year but also another skilled shooter Rashard Lewis who is also reportedly agreed to join the team.

Last wednesday afternoon the Miami Heat officially introduced in the news conference their two newest member which is also a former Seattle Super Sonics team-mates Ray Allen and Rashard Lewis. Allen signed for the Heat which starts at $3.1 million this year and will total $9.5 million over his three year deal contract while Rashard Lewis agreed to signed a two year contract deal for the $1.35 million which is  the nba veteran's minimum salary.

In his introduction, Rashard Lewis commented on Heat's game plan in adding shooters this year, which has the big potential to make opposing coaches toss and turn next season:

''You've got to double-team LeBron. You have to double-team Dwyane Wade. You've got to double-team Chris Bosh. And then you think they're going to leave Ray Allen open?'' Lewis said [...]. ''They've got to leave somebody open. So I have to go [shoot] a million jumpers tonight and be ready to knock them down. Somebody's got to be open.'' - Rashard Lewis
Now with this two big new faces on the Heats line up, will this lead up to another championship title? or will just destroy the perfect tandem of the Miamin Heat’s Big Three LeBron James, Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh? Let’s see what’s going to happen.

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