
Different Types of Pinoy Streetball Player Personality

basketball love
I can say that basketball is really the most popular sports here in the Philippines. You can obviously notice that as almost every corner, streets or barangay here have their own basketball court to play. Anyway I just created this post because I just want to share this different types of personalities of Pinoy street basketball player that I encounter while playing with them.

Here are the list in no particular order :

  • The Trash talker – For me this types of player is totally annoying but their actually the most common types that you will encounter in streetball. They will try to prove that they are better  while all they can only do is just pure trash talking. They’re just full of mouth, they will try to mock or provoke you to destroy your concentration in the game, so that they can win the game easily.

  • The Energetic Newbie – I also call this type Sakuragi’s style. This player is really one of my favorite pick to be my teammate. They are the most tough, most intense and hardworking in the game. They’re stronger  physically but also the newbie or the one who don’t have much skill and experience in basketball which make them commit a lot of or mistakes or turnover. Usually they are only one dimensional player which is only good in rebounding, shot blocking or only in defense. But never underestimate this types because believe me they’re the one who improve or progress very fast in basketball.

  • The Cheater – We all know that the main rule in street basketball  is to “call your own foul” and because of that this types of player is born. They will call a foul for nonsense reason or acting that they are hurt even though they’re not. They will try everything just to win game because this person hate to lose. They are really one of the most annoying player in the street basketball.

  • The Anti Cheater – This player just existed just for the sake of stopping that damn cheater. But actually for me they’re just also irritating like a cheater. They hate being cheated, to the point that they always overreact and try to complain too much even though you call for a really honest foul. Just remember when this anti cheater and the cheater meet inside the court, expect a royal rumble or a fist fight! LOL!

  • Mr. Sportsman – No doubt that this is really my most favorite types of player to play with, whether a team-mate or an opponent. They’re not bias, always nice, mature and have a big patience. They are also competitive and challenging as an opponent.

  • Ball Hogger – One of the most common annoying types of player ever since the basketball was invented. All they care is to shoot! and shoot! and shoot! only by himself. They rarely pass the ball to their teammates and usually very lazy  to play defense. They actually got some skill but the problem is their attitude to they’re usually one of the most hated player to become a teammate.

  • The Ace Player – They are the best player in the team. The coolest, very skilled and one of the most competitive. It’s very challenging to be their opponent and lucky if he is your teammate. They occasionally trash talk a bit but they always let their game do the talking.

  • Shitty old veteran guy -  This types are usually one of the dirtiest in the court, but dirty to the point that you won’t easily notice that your being cheated by them. Usually they are older and has the longest time of experience in basketball which make them a veteran. They’re not that athletic and skilled like an ace player but they are the most intelligence and tough inside the court. They are a bit annoying to be an opponent because of the fact that they’re skilled and tricky. They’re very good in defense as well as offense which make them very challenging to play with. Believe me if you get to play with this types of player most of the time you’ll become very skilled in basketball in no time, because your gonna learn a lot from them for sure.

  • The player, The coach and The Referee – This is my most hated player inside the court. They really believe that they’re really good at basketball and know a lot more than everyone else. Actually they are the combination of the Cheater type and the Anti Cheater which make this type of player the worst for me. They act as an annoying coach, shouting orders, make plays, demand the ball a lot and always blame his teammates. He thinks his a great player and acts as a referee in the game.
  • Mr. shy and quiet guy – The silent assassin, they are simple, shy and rarely talks. Usually you see him alone in the court shooting jump shot and practicing all by himself until someone invites him to play. Never underestimate this types of player because they are usually the most passionate in basketball who also improve very fast. They are competitive too, very neutral  and cool to play with. Actually im very much like this when I started playing basketball LOL Open-mouthed smile.
  • The clown – This player is totally the funniest to play with.They are usually the weakest in your team, the one who make funny weird dribble or  a circus shot, the one who make stupid things in the game that will surely make you laugh. I have lots friends like that LOL! Trust me this types of player is one of the nicest and most fun to be with. This is also one of the reason why I enjoy playing street basketball.
  • The bullshit bully – You never really played street basketball if you didn’t even met this type of player. They’re are the bully one, the one who didn’t really care about the game because all they want is a fist fight. But believe me, never let this people bully you because they’re  just only too brave if you are in their territory or in their home court and that’s all, the truth is they’re just a bunch of scared chicken who’s just hiding in their gangs. Just don’t show them that you’re a weak one and for sure they will never bother you.

  • Mr. Smiling face – I’m not sure if you ever met this types of player inside the court. They are the one who smile and laugh a lot while playing but it’s not because they’re not taking you seriously or underestimating you or they have some kind of mental problem or anything LOL!! It’s just that this person really enjoys and love to play basketball. They can be serious at times especially if he thinks that his opponent is really good and challenging. This person is one of the best to be a teammate.

So do you know someone who belong in this list? and how about you, what types of player do you think you are in the list of streetball personality? or is there any other types that you think I forgot to include here? just feel free to tell me guys Open-mouthed smile

p.s. : “If you’re gonna play the game, you gotta have the love”


  1. i knew a lot of people thats in this lists! Maybe im a Ms. Sporty! haha or the clown maybe hehe

    1. No I think I should call you the miss hottie :D

      thanks for the comment! :)

  2. This reminded of high school and our basketball games after work before. I've met all these guys too.

    1. Wow! so your also a pinoy streetball player like me..

      by the way! thanks for your comment :D

  3. Count me in as a shitty old veteran guy. At my age, I can still a full 48-minute game. 3-on-3 sa half court, I can teach you lot of Jawo's skills. LOL

    1. wow! that's cool please teach me! :D this types of player or I can say the likes of you.. are really annoying to play with.. because you veteran.. are totally tough and very skilled. :D

      thanks for your comment sir :)

  4. Street basketball is indeed fun. We have this basketball court in our neighborhood. I remember watching the barangay league held regularly when I was a child and it was like the highlight of my day back then. Looking back, basketball was once the center of my universe when I was a kid lol, be it the PBA or the league in our barangay.

    1. good to know that :D we guys! always really feel excited to play basketball especially if we know that there are lots girls watching us!! ahahah makapagpasikat lang :D

      thank for the comment :)

  5. Mr Cutie, wala yata.. sya yung crush ng ma girls ,ahahah.

    1. yeah your right, .. maybe I should update this post, thank you :D

  6. I like the quiet one who just plays ball and does not involve himself in scandals

    1. Ahem! are you talking about me :D LOL just kidding..

  7. I'm probably Ms. Smiling Face. Just enjoy playing the game, win or lose. It's the love for basketball that matters.

  8. Im not really a basketball fan but yeah, I see a lot of that in your list. Haha! I am smiling while reading your post coz I am picturing your list in my mind on they would probably look like. haha!

  9. of the basketball players I knew - Jaworski could fit into one of the categories and of course Jeremy Lin is a sensation that falls into another category,your guess is as good as mine hehehe...

  10. The slasher / driver / hesitation - the player who can only score with a layup and rarely make a perimeter shot

    The Triggerman - he rarely misses a three point shot

    are you sure you really play basketball? there are still plenty of players you did not mention

    1. That's a great suggestion! I encounter that types too..
